Thursday, March 22, 2007

DIARY: Going to Madrid!

Hi all,
Tomorrow I'm going to Madrid to visit my old dorm mate Brian (below right of Mathilde, who you'll remember I visited a week ago, yep, all the same family!) and (more importantly - sorry Brian!), watch the game: Spain-Denmark (football Euro-qualifiers for the unbelievers amongst you).

I'm hoping for at least a draw, we're one of the best teams in the group (player for player I'd say second-best only to Spain), and are advocates of a great brand of attacking football (sadly rare these days), so I'm hoping for a historically good results against Spain, even if it means eliminating them from the competition (which is a shame since I find that they stand for a much more attacking brand of football than the other teams in our group and I would have like to see them go through in second, but well!).

Well, I'm off to join the army in Red on Plaza Mayor! Till' Then!

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